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Bylaws of Tucson Area Iris SocietyARTICLE I - NAME The name of this organization shall be the Tucson Area Iris Society. In this document it will be referred to as TAIS. TAIS is an affiliate of the American Iris Society. ARTICLE II - PURPOSE The purpose of the TAIS shall be to develop the science of horticulture and any activities related to the study, propagation and culture of the genus iris; to instruct the public on correct gardening procedures by means of lecture programs; to stimulate and foster interest in horticultural pursuits, conservation and protection of these plants; to cooperate with other organizations, public and private, in the scientific and horticultural education of the public and all those interested in learning any phase of the genus iris, by any and all means which may be determined from time to time by the Board of Directors of the TAIS. These shall include but are not limited to: Section 1: Encouragement and support of scientific research, including that pertaining to the solution of diseases, related to, but not necessarily exclusive to the genus iris, and investigation and conservation of the genus in the wild; Section 2: Encouragement and support of the collection, compilation and publication of data concerning the history, classification, breeding and culture of irises; Section 3: Education of the public through noncommercial exhibitions, public display gardens, published standards for judging, and local, area, regional and national meetings open to the public; and Section 4: Awards to youth for achievements in cultivating and exhibiting irises. ARTICLE III - ORGANIZATION AND OPERATION The TAIS shall be organized and operated exclusively for nonprofit educational and scientific purposes as described in Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. ARTICLE IV - PERMITTED ACTIVITIES Section 1: Notwithstanding any other provision of these Articles, the organization shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by an organization exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code under Section 170(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code. Section 2: No substantial part of the activities of this organization shall consist of carrying on propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the organization shall not participate, or intervene in any political campaign (including the publishing or distribution of statements) on behalf of any candidate for public office. ARTICLE V - NONPROFIT STATUS Section 1: This organization does not contemplate pecuniary gain or profit, incidental or otherwise. The organization's funds are derived from donations, membership dues, fees, and assessments, and the sale of iris rhizomes to the general public in furtherance of our educational objectives. Section 2: The property of this organization is irrevocably dedicated to educational and scientific purposes and no part of the net earnings of the organization shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members, directors, officers, or to the benefit of any private person, except that the organization is authorized to pay reasonable compensation for goods and/or services rendered to it in furtherance of the purposes of this organization. ARTICLE VI - DISTRIBUTION OF ASSETS UPON DISSOLUTION Upon dissolution, or winding up of the organization, its assets remaining after payment, or provision for payment, of all debts, or liabilities of this organization, shall be distributed to Region 15 of the American Iris Society, or to a similar nonprofit fund, foundation, or corporation which is organized and operated exclusively for educational and scientific purposes, and which has established and maintains its tax exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. ARTICLE VII - MEMBERSHIP The membership of the TAIS is open to the public. Its members shall consist of all persons and organizations paying dues as prescribed by the Society and supporting and upholding its bylaws, rules and policies. ARTICLE VIII - MEETINGS Unless otherwise directed by the Board, regular membership meetings shall be held in the months of January, February, March, May, August, and October. Advice of the date, time and place of these meetings shall be directed to the membership via internet correspondence, telephone, or other available media. Additional meetings may be called at the discretion of the Executive Committee. ARTICLE IX - ELECTED OFFICERS Section 1: The elected officers, hence forth referred to as the Executive Officers, shall be the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. Executive Officers shall be elected for a one-year term at the general membership meeting in October and shall assume office the year elected in November, the beginning of our fiscal year. Elected Executive Officers are limited to no more than three consecutive terms in the same office. Section 2: All officers must be members in good standing of the American Iris Society at the time of their election and remain so during their terms of offices. Section 3: If any officer is unable to complete his or her term of office, the President shall designate a member to serve in an acting capacity with full voting privileges until the next general election. ARTICLE X - DUTIES OF OFFICERS Section 1: The President shall be the chief executive officer of the Society and shall formulate the agendas for, and preside at the general executive committee meetings. He, or she, shall be ex-officio member of all committees, except the nominating committee. Section 2: The Vice President, in the absence of the President, shall serve instead and for that time shall assume all the duties and responsibilities vested in the President. The Vice President shall assist the President as requested and serve as the Program Chair and Publicity Coordinator. Section 3: The Secretary shall keep a full and complete record of the activities of TAIS, including, but not limited to, minutes of the meetings, reports, lists of committees, their chairpersons and members. He, or she, shall issue correspondence only at the direction of the President. The Secretary shall send copies of all meeting minutes to the members of the Executive Committee within two weeks following the meeting. A permanent, hard copy shall be maintained in the club archives in addition to any other electronic applications available. Section 4: The Treasurer shall receive and deposit all TAIS money in the TAIS bank account. He, or she, shall disburse funds in accordance with the current budget and shall disburse non-budgeted funds as directed by the Executive Committee. The Treasurer shall maintain accurate records of all transactions and give a financial report to the members at monthly meetings and by monthly internet attachment, when possible. Any withdrawals from the bank account, whether cash, debit, or credit card in excess of $100 must have the majority approval of the Board of Directors. ARTICLE XI – FISCAL YEAR AND BUDGET Our fiscal year shall be November 1st to October 31st. The treasurer, with the assistance of the Executive Committee will present a proposed budget in September for approval at the October meeting. ARTICLE XII – EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Section 1: The government of TAIS and the control and management of its affairs and properties shall be vested in the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall consist of the four executive officers, no more than six directors, and the immediate past president and shall convene at the call of the president. Regular meetings of the Executive Committee shall be open to all interested members without voting privileges. All voting members may place an item on the agenda by notifying the President, or Secretary, at least 10 days prior to the next meeting. Special meetings of the Executive Committee may be called by the President, Secretary, or on the request of two directors, with the appropriate notice to each director at least 10 days prior to the special meeting. Section 2: The directors shall serve on the Executive Committee. The elected directors may serve unlimited terms. Directors will be elected to vacant positions at the October meeting per the guidelines established in XV- Elections. Section 3: If any director is unable to complete his or her term, the President shall/may appoint a replacement from the membership at large to fill the balance of the replacement term. Such person shall have full voting privileges of the office being filled. ARTICLE XIII - QUORUM The majority of the Executive Committee will constitute a quorum. ARTICLE XIV- STANDING COMMITTEES AND PERMANENT POSITIONS Section 1: Standing committees shall be appointed by the President, and the chairpersons shall keep the officers and other committee chairpersons advised as appropriate. They shall attend a relevant meeting for the purpose of presenting their programs. Committee chairpersons for single events shall submit a full report on the event no later than the next scheduled general meeting. All other chairpersons shall submit a report on an “as needed basis”, to be determined by the president. Section 2: The standing committees shall be as follows: 1. Bylaws and Parliamentarian: The Bylaws Committee shall meet annually to review the Bylaws and make recommendations for revisions to the Board. 2. Community Projects. 3. Ethics: The Board of Directors shall act as the Ethics Committee. 4. Rhizome and potted iris chair 5. Publicity 6. Refreshments 7. Historian 8. Web Page 9. Membership 10. Newsletter 11. Property Manager 12. TBG Garden Minder 13. Nominating 14. Flower Shows 15. Hospitality 16. Trek 17. Photographer 18. Web Monitor Section 3: Special Committees and appointments shall be established as required at the direction of the President.ARTICLE XV - ELECTIONS Section 1: At the October general membership meeting, the chairperson of the Nominating Committee shall present a slate of nominees for elective office. Nominations may also be made from the floor. However, no name shall be placed in nomination without the prior consent of the nominee. The committee shall provide ballots, if necessary, or may simply present its proposed slate of officers for voice vote if there are no nominations from the floor. ARTICLE XVI - ANNUAL AUDIT AND REVIEW OF THE BOOKS Each end of month, at the checking account statement cycle, a non-signatory TAIS officer shall verify that all financial statements are in balance with the banks records by initialing all such records. This monthly verification of accuracy shall constitute an on-going audit on the financial records. ARTICLE XVII - AMENDMENTS These Bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting by a two-thirds vote of those present, provided that the amendments were submitted in writing to all members ten (10) days prior to the meeting at which they will be voted upon. ARTICLE XVIII - RULES OF ORDER The rules contained in The New Roberts Rules of Order shall govern the society in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the Bylaws of this Society. Amended: February 14, 1982, February 2, 1986, January 12, 1991, May 9, 1992, January 9, 1993, January 8, 1994, October 22, 1994, October 14, 1995, October 10, 1998, January 9, 1999, May 13, 2000, March 10, 2001, May 12, 2001, May 2001, January 12, 2013, May 28, 2016. |