Corner Iris Picture

2021 Photo Contest

Voting has ended!

View the winning photos on each category's corresponding photo page (links below). Names of the photographers have now been revealed.


Flower Category - Single iris flower / Stalk of irises
Macro Category - Very close up view of an iris
Miscellaneous Category - Iris garden images, Photoshopped image, etc

Guidelines for Submissions

Current TAIS members may submit up to 15 pictures in groups of 1-3 to Note: emailing more than three photos at a time may result in the message not going through.

Please include three pieces of information for each picture: your name, the category, and the name of the variety pictured. If you do not know the name, label it as a NOID, meaning no ID (no identification).

The photos must be in final form.

All photos must be your own, although they are not restricted to your own garden. Help make this a fun and successful event by participating!

Please be sure that each photo fits the category you select for it.

Winning entries from previous years are ineligible.

Submissions will be accepted between September 18 and 27.

Entries will be displayed anonymously on the website. They will be numbered and include the name of the variety.


TAIS members may vote for three photos per category by submitting to Click on photos to view the full size as the photographer intended. Please consider the quality of the photos (focus, composition, etc.), rather than the beauty of the iris(es) featured.

Votes will be accepted from September 28 to October 1.