Corner Iris Picture

Iris Art Gallery - Traditional Works

The artwork on this page has been submitted by four computer artists who accomplish their artwork through the use of Computer Generated Art Programs. They are Sandra Barss of Canada, Francelle Edwards of Phoenix, AZ., Jonda Gardner, Megan Larson, age 7 of Safford, AZ., and Margie Valenzuela of Tucson, AZ.

Most are computer generated pieces: some paint brushed, some stained glass, and so on. A few of these pictures, even when "clicked" to reveal the actual full size art picture, may APPEAR grainy or blurred. This would be due to the nature of that particular "art piece."

You may download these "Art Pieces" if you so chose.

You are invited to contribute your Iris Art Work to this site. To do so -- send your art piece to:

The thumbnails below are of low resolution (on purpose) so this page would open quickly for viewers. To see a larger image click on the thumbnail image.

J. Paul Hill<br /> Comments? send to:<br /> <a href="">petalpusherpaul<br /></font></a>

Cathy Dziedzic

Cathy Dziedzic

J. Paul Hill<br /> Comments? send to:<br /> <a href="">petalpusherpaul<br /></font></a>

J. Lee, Permission required by artist to duplicate this image.

Iris Illustration by Gina Mikel<br>from <a href=""></a>

Megan Larson, age 7

Jonda Gardner

Cathy Dziedzic